Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.

(+2) 01221119853


Scar Cosmetic Surgery Photos

Please Click here for details on Scar Cosmetic Surgery.

For the New Surgery described by Dr Wilson  for Scar Surgery, please click here.

Please click here for the use of Botulinum Toxin described by Dr Wilson to get Scar Cosmetic Surgery.

For reviews of patients with Scar Surgery please click here.

Please scroll down for Scar Cosmetic Surgery Photos.

Scar Cosmetic Surgery on Several wounds in the forehead of a 19-yr. old female:

Dr. Wilson applied his technique and result was a nearly invisible scar.

Scar Cosmetic Surgery for multiple forehead wounds, treated by Botox at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, photo before
Multiple Forehead wounds
Scar Cosmetic Surgery for multiple forehead wounds, treated by Botox at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, photo after
Inconspicuous Scars after treatment
Scar Cosmetic Surgery for long forehead wound over the eyebrow, treated by Botox at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, photo before
Long Wound over Eyebrow
Scar Cosmetic Surgery for long forehead wound over the eyebrow, treated by Botox at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, photo after
Inconspicuous Scar

Long wound over the eyebrow  in the forehead of a 46-yr. old male:

Prof Wilson applied his technique and result is a very thin inconspicuous scar.

Degloved skin and extensive wound in temple, eyelids and cheek of a 23-yr. old female:

Dr. Wilson applied his technique and result is a very thin inconspicuous scar.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a degloved wound in the temple and face, photo before
Degloved Skin
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a degloved wound in the temple and face, photo after
Inconspicuous Scar
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery and Botox for a wide scar in the cheek of the face, photo before
Wide Scar of the Face
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery and Botox for a wide scar in the cheek of the face, photo after
Almost Invisible Scar

Visible scarring involving cheek of a 21-yr. old male:

Professor Wilson repaired the muscle and skin using his technique with Botox injections and resulting in a very thin invisible scar.

Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a Deep laceration under the eyebrow and involving eyelid of a 76-yr. old male:

Dr. Wilson repaired the muscle and skin using his technique and resulting ii a very thin invisible scar

Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a deep eyebrow wound of the face, photo before
Eyelid Wound
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a deep eyebrow wound of the face, photo after
Invisible Scar
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery and Botox for a wide preauricular face scar, photo before
Ugly Face scar
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery and Botox for a wide preauricular face scar, photo after
Invisible Scar

Visible Wide scarring involving pre-auricular area of a 21-yr. old female:

Dr. Wilson repaired the muscle and skin using his technique with Botox injections and resulting in a very thin invisible scar

Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a V shaped Skin laceration and deep wound in forehead of a 39-yr. old female:

An inconspicuous scar ensued after the surgery which changed it to a linear scar and adjuvant Botox injection by Dr. Wilson.

Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery and Botox for a V shaped forehead wound in the face, photo before
V-shaped Ugly Wound
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery and Botox for a V shaped forehead wound in the face, photo after
Linear nice Scar
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a wide ugly forehead scar in the face, photo before
Depressed wide Scar
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a wide ugly forehead scar in the face, photo after
Inconspicuous scar

Visible scarring involving forehead of a 26-yr. old female:

Professor Adel Wilson repaired the muscle and skin using his technique with Botox injections and resulting in a very thin invisible scar. He also changed the appearance of the scar from a Y shape to a transverse scar which is almost invisible.

Scar Cosmetic Surgery for Deep wounds with tissue loss in the left upper eyelid of a 26-yr. old female:

Dr. Wilson applied his technique and result is a practically invisible scar.

Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a lacerated wound with tissue loss in the eyelid, photo before
Deep wound
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a lacerated wound with tissue loss in the eyelid, photo after
Nearly Invisible Scar
Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a Tribal face mark, photo before
Tribal Mark
Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a Tribal face mark, photo after
Improved scar

Tribal Mark in the Cheek of a 37-year old female:

Scar was revised and removed to an inconspicuous area in a natural fold of the face using the technique of Dr Wilson.

Wide gaped scar in the right forearm of a 22-yr. old male:

An inconspicuous scar ensued after the surgery by Dr. Wilson., in which he used his new technique and overlapped the scar edges.

Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery for a wide gaped forearm scar, photo before
Wide Gaped scar
Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery for a wide gaped forearm scar, photo after
Inconspicuous Scar
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a deep lacerated wound in temple and forehead of the face, photo before
Deep Lacerated Wound
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a deep lacerated wound in temple and forehead of the face, photo after
Very nice Scar

Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a very deep wound in the temple of a 6-yr. old female child, with extensive facial lacerations:

An excellent result was obtained by the use of Dr. Wilson’s technique.

Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a very deep wound in the cheek of a 31-yr. old male:

An excellent result was obtained by the use of Dr. Wilson’s technique.

Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a deep lacerated wound in cheek of the face, photo before
Deep wound in the Face
Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a deep lacerated wound in cheek of the face, photo after
Much better Scar
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a deep lacerated chin and jawline wound of the face, photo before
Jawline Wound
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Scar Plastic Surgery and Botox for a deep lacerated chin and jawline wound of the face, photo after
Invisible Scar

Skin laceration and deep wound over jaw of a 22-yr. old male:

 Almost invisible scar ensued after the surgery by Dr. Wilson.

Multiple Skin laceration and deep wounds in forehead of a 19-yr. old female:

An inconspicuous scar ensued after the surgery and adjuvant Botox injection by Dr. Wilson.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a deep multiple lacerated forehead wounds of the face, photo before
Deep Wound
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Scar Cosmetic Surgery for a deep multiple lacerated forehead wounds of the face, photo after
Improved Scar
Best Plastic Surgery for Tumor in the Forehead removed by Invisible scar
Ugly swelling in the Forehead
Best Cosmetic Surgery for Tumor in the Forehead removed by Invisible scar
Tumor removed through invisible scar

Large Forehead Osteoma in a 29-yr. old male:

 This gentleman was very unhappy with the swelling in his forehead that was arising from the bone. He did not want to remove it because he was scared of having an ugly scar in his face. Prof Wilson made an invisible cut in the hairline, and through it accessed the bony swelling. He used a small camera to remove the swelling totally, and did not leave any residual scars in the patient, who was absolutely thrilled with the procedure.

Congenital Pigmentation in the Lower eyelid of a 39-yr. old female:

Prof Wilson made a delicate surgery on the lower eyelid to remove the pigmentation and simultaneously did a blepharoplasty and eyelid lift. The patient was very happy with the inconspicuous scar and removed nevus.

Lower Eyelid Pigmentation treated by Eyelid Lift Blepharoplasty at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Congenital Pigmentation on Lower Eyelid
Lower Eyelid Pigmentation treated by Eyelid Lift Blepharoplasty at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Inconspicuous Scar after eyelid lift