Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.

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Revision Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia

Unfortunately, some patients might have their Male Breast reduction Gynecomastia surgery with less experienced surgeons. They might treat it inappropriately by leaving too much breast tissue, or alternatively taking out extra tissues. In the first case, the patient ends up with residual enlarged breasts. In the second scenario, he might develop dimples and puckers of the skin, together with deformed breast contour.  There might be also deformities in the nipple and areola. Ultimately, such unfortunate patients will need Revision Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia (Manboobs).  Unfortunately, Revision Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia is far more common than many realize, and it might affect only one breast or both. Some of the benefits of revision surgery include a firmer, flatter, more contoured chest which may give the male patient a boost in self-confidence, and also a smaller areola.

Am I a good candidate for the surgery?

Your visit with Dr. Wilson will determine if you are a good candidate for Revision Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia surgery. If you are healthy and emotionally stable, with a clear breast deformity, then you might be fit for surgery. Apparently, the best candidates are those who have firm, elastic skin that will reshape to the body’s new contours. Professor Wilson advises against incomplete treatments such as Vaser or Fillers, since they ultimately do not solve the problem. Furthermore, they render subsequent surgery more difficult.

What should I expect from my consultation?

During the consultation, Prof Wilson will ask about the history of the previous gynecomastia  surgery, and the operative report.  Dr. Wilson will examine your breasts and will consider if there is just fat or disc tissue in the breast. He will measure the size of the nipple and areola, and examine the skin for dimples and puckers. He might even order an Ultrasound to determine the exact location of residual fat and breast tissue. According to his examination, he will explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you.

You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. This will include information about any medical conditions, drug allergies, and medications that you currently take. It is important for you to provide complete information.

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How is the surgery performed?

During revision surgery, both Vaser Liposuction and disc removal are resorted to. Prof Wilson will try to access your breast tissue through the same cut done in the previous surgery to reduce scars. Frequently, reduction of the areola demands a more complicated surgery but this is essential to achieve a good outcome.

Revision of Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia at Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt

Risks of Revision Male Breast Reduction (Revision Gynecomastia Surgery)

Although a more challenging surgery, fortunately, significant complications from secondary breast reduction are infrequent. Scarring around the nipple of the breast and areola tends to fade within a few months. Also, there might be some post-operative bruising, swelling, and discomfort. Other considerations include numbness or lack of sensation that could last up to a year. Moreover, you should avoid subsequent weight change.  Gain in weight increases the breast size, whereas loss of weight makes it sag.

What is the cost of surgery to correct Secondary Gynecomastia?

Professor Wilson believes that affordable cost plastic surgery is the right of every individual. He will never allow financial restraints to prevent you from having a masculine harmonious chest, and revise previous issues. However, many factors affect the cost of surgery to correct male breasts, including the extent of surgery, type of surgery, type of deformity, and other factors. After the consultation, the patient coordinator will offer you an affordable price quote.

Please visit this webpage for a rough estimate of costs.

Please click here to view pictures of patients who had revision gynecomastia with Dr Wilson.