
Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.

(+2) 01221119853

Facelift Plastic Surgery Photos

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Below are Best Facelift Cosmetic Surgery Photos

Face lift, Necklift, Fat Augmentation, Blepharoplasty

This patient had a younger partner and wanted a more juvenile appearance. Prof Wilson performed a Full Face and Neck lift with SMAS plication, central Facial Fat augmentation and upper and lower Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) as well as perioral laser resurfacing. Notice the younger, yet natural appearance.

Facelift Plastic Surgery Photos, Neck Lift, Best Plastic Surgery
Before Face and Neck lift and Eyelid surgery and Laser around mouth
Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt for Facelift and Neck Lift and Eyelid Lift
Before surgery, side view
Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt After Face and Neck Lift and Eyelid surgery and Laser around the mouth.
After Face and Neck Lift and Eyelid surgery and Laser around the mouth.
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt for Facelift and Neck Lift and Eyelid Lift
After surgery, side view
drooping jowls, Sagging Face and Neck
Before FaceLift and Neck Lift
After treatment drooping jowls, eye bags, sagging neck and dfacelift, and neck lift, upper and lower eye lid surgery, at Best Plastic surgery
After FaceLift and Neck Lift
Drooping jowls, eye bags, sagging neck and puffy eyelids
Side View Before FaceLift and Neck Lift
Side view after Face and Neck Lift and Blepharoplasty at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Side View after Face and Neck Lift

Full Face lift, Neck Lift, Blepharoplasty, Surgery.

This 60 year old female had drooping jowls, eye bags, sagging neck and desired contouring of her neck and face. Prof Wilson performed a Facelift, neck lift, upper and lower eye lid surgery, were performed giving her a much more youthful appearance. Note the almost invisible scars around the eyelids and in front of the ear.

Jowl lines and Nasolabial wrinkles and sagging neck treated by Mid Face Lift and Neck Lift. damaged skin was treated by PRP Plasma Injections at Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt
Jowl Lines and sagging Neck
Jowl lines and Nasolabial wrinkles and sagging neck treated by Mid Face Lift and Neck Lift. damaged skin was treated by PRP Plasma Injections at Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
After Mid face lift and Neck Lift and PRP injections
Jowl lines and Nasolabial wrinkles and sagging neck treated by Mid Face Lift and Neck Lift. damaged skin was treated by PRP Plasma Injections at Best Aesthetic Surgery in Egypt
Jowl lines and sagging neck side view
Jowl lines and Nasolabial wrinkles and sagging neck treated by Mid Face Lift and Neck Lift. damaged skin was treated by PRP Plasma Injections at Best Plastic Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
After Mid Face and Neck Lifts

Mid Facelift, Neck Lift, and PRP injections.

 A 56 year old executive had drooping jowls, lax neck skin, visible nasolabial folds and sun damaged skin.  She desired contouring of her neck and face and freshening up of her skin. Dr Wilson did a mid facelift and necklift.  Furthermore, he injected PRP injections to make the skin look fresh and radiant.

Facelift Plastic Surgery Photos, Neck Lift, and Eyelids surgery.

This 69 year old female had drooping jowls, extensive wrinkles and desired contouring of her neck and face. Prof Wilson performed a  facelift and neck lift, upper and lower eye lid blepharoplasty surgery.

A facelift and neck lift, upper and lower eye lid surgery at Best Cosmetic Surgery egypt
FaceLift, Neck Lift and Eyelid surgery
contouring of her neck and face. A full facelift and eyelid surgery were performed.
Full Face Lift and Eyelid Surgery

Best Facelift Cosmetic Surgery and Upper Eyelid Surgery:

This 55 year old female had significant skin sagging and desired contouring of her neck and face. Dr Wilson operated on her and dis a full facelift and eyelid surgery.

Full Facelift :

This 61 year old female had significant skin sagging and baggy eyelids and desired a more juvenile look. Prof Wilson performed a full facelift and relocation of facial fat to give her a younger natural look.

skin sagging and baggy eyelids. A full face lift and relocation of facial fat at Best cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Before FaceLift and relocation of Facial Fat
After skin sagging and baggy eyelids. A full face lift and relocation of facial fat at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
After Face Lift and Relocation of Facial Fat
desired contouring of her neck and face. A facel and necklift, upper and lower eye lid surgery, were performed.
FaceLift and Neck Lift

Facelift, Neck Lift, Eyelids surgery:

This 66 year old female had drooping jowls and desired contouring of her neck and face. Prof Wilson performed a facelift and necklift, with upper and lower eye lid lift surgeries. She was thrilled with the outcome.

Facelift, Lower Eyelids

This 59 year old female had significant skin sagging and baggy eyelids and desired contouring of her eyelids and face. Prof Wilson did a full facelift and  eyelid surgery leading to a more juvenile youthful face.

Before significant skin sagging and baggy eyelids and desired contouring of her eyelids and face. A full face rejuvenation and eyelid surgery at Best Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Before FaceLift, Blepharoplasty
After skin sagging and baggy eyelids and desired contouring of her eyelids and face. A full face rejuvenation and eyelid surgery at Best Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
After FaceLift and Blepharoplasty
Before Redo Face Lift, Neck Lift, Eyelids surgery at Best aesthetic Surgery
Before Redo Facelift, Neck Lift, Eyelids surgery:
After Redo Face Lift, Neck Lift, Eyelids surgery at Best aesthetic Surgery
After Redo Facelift, Neck Lift, Eyelids surgery

Redo Facelift, Neck Lift, Eyelids surgery:

This 54 year old female had drooping jowls and desired contouring of her neck and face. She had had a previous face lift 6 years ago, and she was not happy with the result. Prof Wilson opted for a redo facelift and necklift, with simultaneous upper and lower eye lid surgery. Note the prominence of the eyes and the youthful face appearance.

Face lift, Neck Lift, Ear shortening surgery:

This 64 year old female had drooping jowls and desired contouring of her neck and face. Prof Wilson performed A full face lift and neck lift. Furthermore,he shortened  the earlobes which had became longer by age.

Facial Rejuvenation, Neck Lift, Ear shortening surgery at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
FaceLift, Neck Lift, Ear shortening surgery
Before significant face and neck skin and desired a more youthful appearance. A full face and neck lift was performed.
Before full Facelift and Neck Lift
After significant face and neck skin and desired a more youthful appearance. A full face and neck lift was performed.
After full FaceLift and Neck lift

FaceLift, Neck lift:

This 56 year old female had significant face and neck skin and desired a more youthful appearance. A full face and neck lift was performed.

Facelift, Upper Eyelids, Laser Resurfacing:

This 47 year old female showed signs of premature aging due to sun- damage. She desired clearer skin and face and neck contouring. A full face and neck lift with laser resurfacing was performed.

sun damaged Face. She desired clearer skin and face and neck contouring. A full face and neck lift with laser resurfacing was performed.
FaceLift and Laser Resurfacing
Before forehead creases and a hyperactive frontalis muscle. A full endoscopic brow lift was performed at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Before Brow Lift
After forehead creases and a hyperactive frontalis muscle. A full endoscopic brow lift was performed at Best Plastic Cosmetic Surgery egypt
After Endoscopic Brow Lift

Brow Lift:

This 59 year old female had significant forehead creases and a hyperactive frontalis muscle. A full endoscopic brow lift was performed. Note the invisible scars at the hair line.

Mid-Facelift, Jowl Lift:

This 53 year old female had significant jowls and sagging midface skin. A full endoscopic mid facelift and jowl lift was performed. Note the invisible scars improvement in jowl lines.

Before significant jowls and sagging midface skin. A full endoscopic mid facelift and jowl lift was performed
Before Endoscopic Midfacelift and Jowl Lift
After significant jowls and sagging midface skin. A full endoscopic mid facelift and jowl lift was performed at Nile Cosmetic Center
After Endoscopic Midfacelift and Jowl Lift