Revision of Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia Photos
Residual Gynecomastia in a 34-year old patient:
Note huge areola and residual breast, even after 2 previous operations. This residual was treated by Dr Wilson using surgical excision and Vaser High Definition 4 Dimensional smart Liposuction through a complete periareolar incision. The scar has completely disappeared. Note the near normal contour and harmony of the chest.

Deformed male Breast after Excess Removal of Breast Disc in a 34 year old male.
This unlucky patient had excess breast tissue and fat removed during gynecomastia surgery at another Clinic. The skin stuck to the muscle and he had a disfigurement whenever he move the arm. Prof Wilson released the scar tissue, and grafted fat in its place to seperate the skin from the muscle, hence restoring the normal contour.
Gynecomastia Manboobs in a 37-year old patient:
This patient had gynecomastia surgery with a non specialist 2 years ago. He did notice any improvement and was very unhappy with his male breast manboobs. Prof Wilson used Vaser High Definition 4 Dimensional smart Liposuction through a small areolar incision to suck out the breast tissue and fat. The scar has completely disappeared and the patient was thrilled with the normal contour and harmony of the chest.

Residual Male Breast after massive weight loss and previous inadequate Liposuction Excess
This patient lost 75 lbs of weight and had liposuction at another Clinic to remove the extra fat. He found the result asymmetrical and unsatisfactory, which compromised his body image. Prof Wilson performed revision surgery, and removed the excess skin and gland tissue through a cut above the areola. After meticulous surgery, he managed to restore the normal contour, with an almost invisible scar.
Revision of Male Breast Reduction Gynecomastia in a 34-year old Transgender patient:
This transgender patient was unhappy with the shape of her breasts. She requested breast reduction to achieve a more masculine look. Prof Wilson performed breast reduction through a cut around the areola. Note the normal masculine contour and harmony of the breast.

Revision of Male Breast reduction Gynecomastia in a 35-year old patient:
This patient still had a huge areola and residual breast tissue, even after 2 previous operations at another Clinic. Prof Wilson performed a Revision by surgical excision of gland and disk, and Vaser Liposuction through a complete periareolar incision. The patient was very happy with the inconspicuous residual scar and new breast shape. Note the harmonious size of areola, and new breast.
Revision of Gynecomastia in a 38-year old patient:
The patient had previous unsatisfactory liposuction at another Clinic. Prof Wilson decided to treat the problem by surgical excision and Laser Liposuction. Ultimately, the patient was very satisfied with the final shape of his breast.

Residual Breast Tissue and Gynecomastia in a 39-year old patient:
This patient had an open heart surgery 10 years ago, and this led to entrapment of the breast tissue leading to false gynecomastia. Prof Wilson tackled this challenging condition by surgical removal, coupled with Vaser Liposuction. He performed the surgery through a small cut around teh areola, which ultimately disappeared. Note appropriate size of areola, and new breast on both frontal and lateral views.
Recurrent Gynecomastia in a 39-year old patient:
Isolated Liposuction was performed at another Clinic, but asymmetry and residual breast tissue ensued. The patient was treated by surgical excision of the gland and Vaser Liposuction. Note successful removal of the breast tissue and restoration of symmetry. Interestingly, a large amount of residual breast tissue was removed during the revision surgery, with right side larger than left.

Revision of Residual Gynecomastia and Deformed Nipple after Sleeve Gastrectomy in a 28 year old male.
This gentleman lost 65 lbs of weight after a sleeve gastrectomy 3 years ago. However, the skin of the chest remained lax, nipple was projecting and there was residual breast tissue. Professor Wilson performed Vaser Liposuction on the Gynecomastia, removed the excess breast tissue and finally relocated the nipple to its natural site. The patient was very happy with the outcome.