Butt & Calf Implant Augmentation Photos

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Brazilian Butt Lift and Augmentation in  a 58 year old female:

Prof Wilson inserted 330 ccs Silicone implants inside the muscle through a vertical incision hidden in the natal cleft.  A simultaneous Brazilian Butt Lift was also performed.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants, Butt Enlargement, before Photo
Before Butt Augmentation
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants, Butt Enlargement, after Photo
After Butt Augmentation
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants, Butt Enlargement, before Photo side view
Before Butt Augmentation side view
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants, Butt Enlargement, after Photo side view
After Butt Augmentation side view
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants, Butt Lift
Butt Augmentation and Lift

Butt Implant Augmentation in a 47 year old female:

Prof Wilson inserted 330 ccs Saline implants deep to the muscle, and performed a simultaneous butt lift.

Butt Implant Augmentation in a 26 year old female:

Dr Wilson inserted 330 ccs Silicone implants deep to the muscle through a vertical incision hidden in the natal cleft. Resultant butt curvature was more attractive and natural.

Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt, Butt Silicon Implants inside muscle, Butt Enlargement, before photo
Before Butt Augmentation
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt, Butt Silicon Implants inside muscle, Butt Enlargement, after photo
After Butt Augmentation
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants placed under muscle, Butt Enlargement, Before photo side view
Before Butt Silicon Implants side view
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants placed under muscle, Butt Enlargement, Before after side view
After Butt Silicon Implants side view
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants placed under muscle, Butt Enlargement, Before photo
Before Butt Silicon Implants
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants placed under muscle, ButtEnlargement, after photo
After Butt Silicon Implants

Buttock Implant Augmentation in a 32 year old female:

Prof Wilson inserted 550 ccs Silicone implants deep to the muscle through a vertical incision hidden in the natal cleft. Note the prominent “Kardashian” butt shape achieved which was specifically demanded by the patient. Lateral and posterior views show the difference.

Butt Implant Augmentation in a 36 year old female:

Following gastric band surgery and weight loss, this lady had sagging empty buttocks. Prof Wilson inserted 375 ccs Silicone implants inside the muscle through a vertical incision hidden in the natal cleft. Lateral and posterior views show the difference.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implant following sleeve gastrectomy, Photo before
Before Butt Implants
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implant following sleeve gastrectomy, Photo after
After Butt Implants
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implant following sleeve gastrectomy, Photo before side view
Before Butt Implants Side view
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implant following sleeve gastrectomy, Photo after side view
After Butt Implants side view
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Enhancement by Silicon gel implants inserted through the natal cleft, Photo before
Before Butt Augmentation
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Enhancement by Silicon gel implants inserted through the natal cleft, Photo after
After Butt Augmentation

Buttock Augmentation in a 26 year old female:

Prof Wilson inserted 465 ccs Silicone implants deep to the muscle through a vertical incision hidden in the natal cleft. Resultant outcome matched the patient requirement of prominent “Kardashian” butt. The patient specifically demanded this shape.

Buttock Augmentation in a 37 year old female:

Professor Wilson inserted 550 ccs Silicone implants deep to the muscle through a vertical incision hidden in the natal cleft. Note the prominent “Kardashian” butt shape achieved which was specifically demanded by the patient. Lateral and posterior views show the difference.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implants to achieve Kardashian Butts, Photo before
Before Butt Enlargement
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implants to achieve Kardashian Butts, Photo after
After Butt Enlargement
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implants to achieve Kardashian Butts, Photo before side view
Before Butt Enlargement side view
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implants to achieve Kardashian Butts, Photo after side view
After Butt Enlargement side view
Butt Enlargement Augmentation by Silicone Implants BBL at Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt
Flat Butts
Butt Enlargement Augmentation by Silicone Implants BBL at Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
After Butt Enlargement

Buttock Augmentation by Silicone Implants in a 42 year old female:

This lady was very unhappy and self conscious about her butt shape. Prof Wilson inserted 415 ccs Silicone implants inside the muscle through a cut hidden in the natal cleft. The patient was very happy with her new rounded  pert butts.

Buttock Auto-Enhancement and Back Lift in a 31 year old male:

This young gentleman lost 42 kg of weight following a sleeve gastrectomy. He had overhanging skin in the back and butts, and refused the idea of silicon implants. Professor Wilson performed a full back lift and butt lift, using the extra tissues from the back to enhance the butt, thus avoiding the use if implants. Note inconspicuous scar and improved back and butt contours.

Back HD Liposuction and back lift and Butt Lift Augmentation at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Lax back and Butt skin
Back HD Liposuction and back lift and Butt Lift Augmentation at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
More aesthetic contour of Back and Butt
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Lift by Silicon Implants BBL, Photo before
Before Butt silicon implants
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Lift by Silicon Implants BBL, Photo after
After Butt Silicon Implants

Buttock Lift in a 43 year old female:

This lady with an auto-immune disease was very unhappy with her sagging buttocks. Prof Wilson enhanced and raised them through an incision in the buttock crease and amended their contour.

Buttock Augmentation in a 23 year old female:

Prof Wilson inserted 350ccs Silicone implants deep to the muscle through a vertical incision hidden in the natal cleft. Note the prominent  butt shape achieved.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implants submuscular and concomitant BBL, Before photo
Before Butt Enhancement
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation by Silicon Implants submuscular and concomitant BBL, After photo
After Butt Enhancement
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Butt Augmentation, Butt Silicon Implants and Brazilian Butt Lift
Butt Augmentation

Buttock Augmentation in a 33 year old female:

Dr Wilson inserted 380 ccs Saline implants were deep to the muscle through an incision in the buttock fold.

Calf Augmentation in a 44 year old male:

Dr Wilson enhanced the calf by placing 140 ccs Silicon implants deep to the fascia through an invisible incision in the knee crease. Note the natural contour of the leg.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Augmentation, Calf Silicon Implants, Right Leg Before
Before Calf Implants Right leg
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Augmentation, Calf Silicon Implants, Right Leg After
After Calf Implants Right leg
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Augmentation, Calf Silicon Implants, Left Leg Before
Before Calf Implants Left Leg
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Augmentation, Calf Silicon Implants, Left Leg After
After Calf Implants Left leg
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Enhancement, Calf Silicon Implants
Calf Enhancement

Calf Augmentation in a 22 year old female:

Prof Wilson restored the aesthetic appearance of the legs by inserting 180 ccs Silicon implants deep to the fascia. He accessed that through an invisible cut in the knee crease.

Calf Augmentation in a 26 year old female with very thin legs:

 Size “90” silicon calf implants were inserted deep to the fascia. The  deformity was corrected and comvexity restored in calf .

Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Augmentation, Calf Silicon Implants placed subfascial, Photo Before
Before Calf Silicon Implants
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Augmentation, Calf Silicon Implants placed subfascial, Photo After
After Calf Silicon
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Calf Augmentation by Fat Injection, Calf enhancement, Photo Before
Before Correction of Leg Deformity
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Calf Augmentation by Fat Injection, Calf enhancement, Photo After
After Correction of Leg Deformity

Calf Augmentation in a 29 year old male with rickets in the leg bones:

180 ccs of Fat lipo aspirate were injected deep to the fascia. The asymmetry and deformity were corrected .

Calf Augmentation for asymmetric Legs in a 26 year old female:

Silicone custom implants (size XL) were placed deep to the fascia through an incision in the knee crease. Note restoration of symmetry in the legs.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Asymmetric Legs corrected by Silicon Calf Implants, Photo before
Before Calf Augmentation Correction
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Asymmetric Legs corrected by Silicon Calf Implants, Photo after
After Calf Augmentation Correction
Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt for Calf Augmentation By Silicon Leg Implants
Thin asymmetric Legs
Best Aesthetic Surgery in Egypt for Calf Augmentation By Silicon Leg Implants
Site of Placement of Implants
Best Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Egypt for Calf Augmentation By Silicon Leg Implants
After correction of asymmetry and thin legs

Calf Augmentation in a 36 year old female:

Prof Wilson inserted 120 ccs custom Silicon implants  deep to the fascia through an invisible incision in the knee crease. The patient also had asymmetry of the leg curvature in addition to the thin legs. Note the natural contour of the leg and correction of asymmetry.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Enhancement, Calf Silicon Implants
Calf Enlargement

Calf Augmentation in a 27 year old female:

220 ccs Saline implants were placed deep to the fascia through an incision in the knee crease.

Calf Augmentation in a 16 year old female with simultaneous liposuction:

 120 ccs Saline implants were placed deep to the fascia through an incision in the knee crease, and fat humps in the middle of the leg were lipo-aspirated simultaneously.

Best Plastic Surgery Egypt, Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt, Leg Augmentation by Calf Silicon Implants and simultaneous liposuction of fat bulges.
Leg Cosmetic Enlargement
Thin Legs treated by Calf Silicon Leg Implants at Best Plastic Surgery
Thin Asymmetric Legs
Thin Legs treated by Calf Silicon Leg Implants at Best Cosmetic Surgery
Plan for Insertion of Implants
Thin Legs treated by Calf Silicon Leg Implants at Best Aesthetic Surgery
Legs became Larger and more Symmetric

Thin asymmetric Legs in a 37 year old female: Calf Implant Augmentation

Prof Wilson inserted custom made 280 and 255 ccs silicone implants deep to the fascia through an invisible incision in the knee crease. He tried to restore the asymmetry, and simultaneously augment the calf area and the leg contour.