Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.

(+2) 01221119853


Facelift Surgery

The term face lift is, quite inaccurate.  Plastic surgeons do not “lift” the face, but actually perform a multiple layer, component procedure to achieve long lasting facial rejuvenation. This means much of the work is done in the deeper structures to lift, reshape, and contour your face and make it look naturally youthful and rested. Prof Wilson  usually performs a face lift alone or in conjunction with eyelid surgery, neck surgery or forehead lifting. The goal is to re-contour and restore the sagging deep layers and fat to make them more harmonious with the rest of your face.


Best Patients for Face Lift Surgery 

Patients whose face and neck have begun to sag are the best candidates for facelift surgery. Ideally, they should have reasonable skin elasticity and a well defined bone structure. Most patients are over forty, but face lifts can successfully be done on people in their seventies and eighties as well.

Best Face Lift Plastic Surgery

Face Lift Plastic Surgery, Midface Lift Cosmetic Surgery
Face Lift Before

A face lift can make you look
younger and fresher and
may enhance your self-esteem but it won’t give you a totally different look. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Wilson.

Best Face Lift Plastic Surgery

Face Lift Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery
Face Lift after

Consultation to get the Best Facelift Plastic Surgery

Prof Wilson Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Egypt, Best Face Lift Plastic Surgery in egypt
Prof Wilson

Prior to your consultation, Dr. Wilson recommends that you look in the mirror and list the top three things that bother you about your appearance as well as three things you like. He also suggests you bring photographs of yourself from 10 to 15 years ago.

During your consultation, Dr. Wilson will evaluate your face, including the skin and underlying bone and request that you make several different expressions so he can view your features as you animate. You may also schedule an additional consultation to view computer imaging so that you can visualize the results of each technique that Dr. Wilson has specifically designed for your surgery.

You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history.

Best Face Lift Plastic Surgery

Types of Face Lifts:

A face lift can give outstanding results in regards to the confidence it can create for the patients who have had the treatment. But which procedure is right for you? Prof Wilson will discuss options after he examines you, and explain in detail the pros and cons of each type of Face Lift.

A mini facelift  is much less invasive and the down time is much lower. It would be a better choice to improve the midface and jowls with a much more subtle end result.

A full facelift is much more invasive and it involves a longer incision on the face. But then the results are much more remarkable across the whole of the face

How is a Face Lift Plastic surgery performed?

Face lifts are very individualized procedures. Incisions usually begin above the hairline at the temples, extend in a natural line in front of the ear (or just inside the cartilage at the front of your ear), and continue behind the earlobe to the lower scalp. A small incision might  also be used if the neck needs improvement.

Full Face Lift, Eyelid Lift, Best Cosmetic Surgery
Full face Lift Plan
Face Lift Vectors to get Best Plastic Surgery
Full Face Lift vectors
Mid Face Lift and Mini face Lift and Plastic Surgery
Mid Face Lift Vectors

There are many types of Facelift: Full Face Lift, Midface Lift, Miniface lift, MACS Face Lift, concommitant Neck Lift…etc. and the Prof Wilson through his talent and expertise will suggest the best technique that suits your face. In the surgery, Dr. Wilson will separate the skin from the fat and muscle below. Fat may be trimmed around the neck and chin to improve the contour. He will then tighten the underlying muscle and pull the skin back and remove any excess. Sutures secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions. He often uses a surgical tissue glue during the surgery to stop bleeding and also help minimize bruising and swelling during recovery.

The Registered Nurse will then wrap your head in bandages to minimize the swelling.

Please click here for a short video by Dr Wilson on how he performs a face lift.

Risks of face lift:

Fortunately, significant complications from facelifts are infrequent. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful facelift surgery and are pleased with the results.

Facelift incisions are usually quite inconspicuous with minimal scars; however, this is not entirely predictable due to individual variations in healing.

Care after Best Face lift Plastic Surgery:

Bruising may be visible for a week, but you can shower 48 hours after  the surgery for your facelift. Prof Wilson recommends that you don’t have any massages or use a sauna for 2-3 weeks after the operation. Make up can be worn after 5-7 days from the surgery.

If you use 3-4 pillows to help prop your head up when resting, you may find that it helps reduce swelling further. Prof Wilson advises that you avoid strenuous exercise for 2-3 weeks after the surgery.

What is the cost of Best Face Lift Plastic Surgery?

Professor Wilson believes that affordable cost plastic surgery is the right of every individual. He will never allow financial restraints to prevent you from having a juvenile beautiful appearance. Many factors affect the cost of Face Lift Surgery, including the extent of surgery, type of surgery, use of endoscopy, and other factors. After the consultation, the patient coordinator will offer you an affordable price quote. For a rough cost range, please click here.

Please click here to view pictures of patients who had Facelifts with Dr Wilson.