Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.
A single mother was unhappy with the fat in her back, lower neck, and bra line areas. Her waist was undefined, love handles projecting, and Butt needed enlargement. Prof Wilson performed High Definition Vaser 4 Dimensional liposuction to define the waist and sculpt the back and love handles. Furthermore, he used the sucked out fat to enlarge the Butts. The patient was very happy with her new figure.
This patient was unhappy with the creases and fat in her back, torso and bra line areas. These included Infra-scapular fat above the waist and below the shoulder blades. This unsightly fat bulges just below the bra strap. It also included Posterior axillary fat which is located on the upper-outer back near the armpit. There was also increase in Posterior waist fat which is located above and behind the hips.
Vaser Smart High Definition Liposuction was used to remove them.
This patient was a male model and requested better definition of the waist, flank and back regions. His dream was to have the creases ironed out. Prof Wilson alppied the latest version of Vaser High Definition Smart 4 Dimensional Liposuction to remove the creases, enhance the definition of the back and waist and straighten the dents in skin.
This patient lost 68 lbs of weight after gastric bypass surgery. The redundant waist and back skin was hugely disfiguring, and he felt 20 years older. Prof Wilson proceeded to perform High Definition Vaser Smart 4-Dimensional Liposuction of the back and tummy, then a 360 degree lift. He removed the extra skin in the back, waist, flanks and tummy in one session. Note the inconspicuous scar and improved contour of the patient.
This patient was unhappy with the creases in her back, buffalo hump, and bra line areas. There was excess fat in her back, infrascapular and bra line areas. These included Infra-scapular fat above the waist and below the shoulder blades. This ugly brown fat bulges just below the bra strap. It also included Retro axillary fat which is located on the superior outer back near the axilla. There was also increase in Posterior flank fat which is located above and behind the hips.
Vaser High Definition Smart 4 Dimensional Liposuction was used to remove them and straighten the dents in skin.
This patient was unhappy about the bulging fat rolls in her back, that showed from her swimsuit. Prof Wilson ironed out those unsightly bulges using back roll High Definition 4 Dimensional Smart Vaser liposuction.
This patient was self conscious about the bulging fat rolls in her back, that peeped out from around the bra strap. Prof Wilson rid her of those unsightly bulges using bra line High Definition 4 Dimensional Vaser liposuction.
This patient lost 32 kg of weight following a sleeve gastrectomy, and had lax back skin and bulging flanks. Prof Wilson performed a full belt circumferential lipectomy and back Vaser High definition 4Dimensional Liposuction. He got rid of the extra skin bulging from the flanks. The patient was very grateful for his new aesthetically pleasing cosmetic shape. He was even more grateful for the hidden site of the scar, which was planned to be kept concealed by the strap of his boxers.
This lady had a sleeve gastrectomy 8 years ago, but regained all the weight she lost, in addition to the contour deformities she ended up with. The bulging fat rolls in her back and ugly creases bothered her most. Prof Wilson performed High Definition 4-Dimensional Vaser Liposuction on all those unsightly areas to rid her of those bulges, and simultaneous full abdominal liposuction. He removed 7 l of fat, and patient was thrilled with the outcome.
This lady was self-conscious about her looks, and was unhappy with the sagging skin in her back and arms. Prof Wilson performed a High Definition Vaser Liposuction on her back and both arms, then removed the extra skin in the back through a cut in the bra line, which is totally hidden by the strap of the bra. Simultaneously, he performed liposuction in the arms and removed the extra skin by a small cut in the armpit. The patient was thrilled with her new shape and back contour.
This lady had a sleeve gastrectomy 12 years ago, but regained all the weight she lost, in addition to the overhanging belly, bulging waist and ugly back fat. She was most concerned with her unflattering profile. Prof Wilson performed High Definition Smart Vaser Liposuction on all those unsightly areas to rid her of those bulges, and concomitant lower abdominal liposuction. He removed 4 l of fat, and patient was thrilled with the outcome.
This lady was unhappy with the bulges in the back and flank, after previous less successful liposuctions in another Clinic. Prof Wilson performed a High Definition Vaser Liposuction on her back rolls and upper tummy. He processed the fat removed and used it to fill up the depression she had in the hips. .