Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.

(+2) 01221119853


Body Contouring Arm Lift

Body Contouring Arm Lift after major weight loss reduces the excess skin and fat that is left behind from the expansion of skin, loss of fat and lack of tissue elasticity. These often occur after a major weight loss. This sagging skin commonly develops around the arms and elbow, making your body appear irregular and misshapen. An arm lift is a type of cosmetic surgery to help improve the shape of your arm, therefore creating an upper arm profile that is smoother & firmer. This type of cosmetic surgery on the arm is usually long lasting. Prof Wilson sometimes adds  Liposuction to aid an improved overall result.

Best Plastic Surgeon in Egypt Prof Wilson
Prof Wilson

If you have undergone dramatic weight loss either through diet and exercise or bariatric surgery, and you are at your optimum weight loss goal, you may choose to have the Body Contouring Arm Lift.

Arm Lift Arm Liposuction sleeve Bariatric Syrgery
Back High Definition 4D Smart Liposculpture in a male

Am I a good candidate for the Body Contouring Arm Lift surgery?

Dr Wilson will determine during your visit if you are a good candidate for the Body Contouring Arm Lift. In general, the following are guidelines for body contouring after massive weight loss.

  1. Adults whose weight loss has stabilized
  2. Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle including proper nutrition and fitness.
  3. Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that could impair healing.
  4. Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what body contouring can accomplish.

What should I expect from my consultation?

 During your Body Contouring Arm Lift consultation, Dr Wilson will explain the surgery, its limitations and risks, and discuss your needs and concerns. Prof Wilson will examine your body and will consider such factors as the quality of your skin tone and the contour of your body. He will explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you. You may also schedule an additional consultation to view computer imaging so that you can visualize the results of the surgical technique specifically designed for you.

You should come to the consultation prepared to discuss your medical history. This will include information about any medical conditions, drug allergies, medical treatments you have received including previous surgeries and medications that you currently take. It is important for you to provide complete information.

Best Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon in egypt is Prof adel Wilson and the Nile Cosmetic Center
Professor Wilson: Best Cosmetic Surgery

How is the Arm Lift surgery performed? 

Prof Wilson performs all types of arm lift surgeries, depending on what suits each patient. Elements that will influence the decision include your body habitus, amount of redundant skin and adipose tissue that you have in your arm and elbow region.

1- The Medial Arm Lift  (Traditional Arm Lift)

This surgery is suitable for patients with both extra fat and loose skin that goes from the armpit to the elbow. In this traditional brachioplasty, Dr Wilson makes the incision on the underside of the arm to remove excess skin and fatty tissue. He takes care to place the incisions in the hidden aspect of the inner arm, but the scar extends all the length of the arm.

There are many different types of arm lifts in the traditional category depending on your specific circumstances. Liposuction can sometimes be used to help contour the arms and the chest wall under the arms. Hence it is always the first choice of Prof Wilson.

This Traditional Brachioplasty has the advantage of being able to address larger areas of loose skin on the arm.

Best Candidates for Traditional Brachioplasty:

1-Weight loss of 25 kgms or more
2-Moderate to high amounts of fatty tissue
3-Excess skin on entire upper arm
4- Minimal excess skin on chest wall

2-The Hidden Arm Lift, also known as a Limited incision Brachioplasty.

If the skin laxity is not excessive, Prof Wilson would probably perform an arm-pit lift. He places the  incisions along the arm pit in the most hidden area of the arm. It is best for patients that have loose, crepe-like skin in the lower inner arm area near the arm pit. Moreover, ideal patients should not have too much extra fatty tissue.

The Hidden Inner Arm Lift is a less invasive procedure where the scar can be hidden in the crease of the underarm. It is often complemented with contouring of the arm using liposuction.

Advantages of Hidden Arm Lift:

A small incision and scar, which is favorably hidden in crease of the armpit. Furthermore, it is
an outpatient procedure without drains and has a short recovery.
Moreover, the patient can resume work and daily activities within 2 days.

Best Candidates for Hidden Arm Lift are those with moderate amounts of fatty tissue and loose skin in the upper inner arm area.

3- Combined High Definition Vaser Liposuction and Arm Lift:

This procedure does not work for everyone and relies on good skin elasticity. For younger patients with  little loose skin on the arms, good skin elasticity and moderate fatty tissue, this might be the best arm lift procedure.

Best Candidates for Liposuction Arm Contouring are younger patients with good skin elasticity. Additional favorable factors include little loose, crepe like skin and moderate amounts of fatty tissue

Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt for Arm Lift and Arm Vaser Liposuction

Care after Arm Lift Surgery:

Pain is usually minimal after this surgery, and you will go home the same day. However, you might not be able to drive or manipulate the steerring wheel for a few days.


What is the cost of Arm Contouring Surgery?

Professor Wilson believes that affordable cost plastic surgery is the right of every individual. He will never allow financial restraints to prevent you from having slim sexy tight arms. However, many factors affect the cost of lift, including the extent of surgery, amount of fat, type of skin, and other factors. After the consultation, the patient coordinator will offer you an affordable price quote.

Please check this webpage for a rough estimate of costs.


Please press here to see pictures of Arm Lift patients operated upon by Dr Wilson.