Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.

(+2) 01221119853


HairLine Advancement Forehead Narrowing

A receding hairline is an annoying issue that affects the self image and perception of many men and women. Although men are more affected, the psychological impact on women is usually more. It starts by thinning of hair, and ultimately ends with total loss of hair follicles. Genetic alopecia is the most common cause of this hair loss, and warrants Hairline advancement Forehead Narrowing. The hair follicles most typically subject to baldness are in the front and top of the scalp. This is not due to any fault on your part, but this type of hair loss is due to the shorter longevity of the hair follicles themselves rather than the scalp shape. In women, balding may occur in those taking hormonal treatments or after childbirth. Characteristically, there is hair thinning which is more noticeable toward the front, and might extend to the hairline.

Am I a good candidate for Hair Line Advancement Forehead Narrowing Surgery ? 

In general, the earlier a problem is treated, the easier the therapy and the better the outcome. When medical sprays and shampoos fail to stop the hair loss, it might be a good time to consider surgical options such as Hair Line Advancement Surgery.  It is important that patients have a reasonable amount of hair left to permit advancement.

Hairline advancement, Forehead narrowing, DHI, FUE, Hair Transplantation

Hair Line Advancement  Surgery Consultation 

During your consultation, Dr. Wilson might ask to see previous photographs of you before your hair started falling. He will discuss your options, and if surgery is contemplated, he will examine your hair type, degree of baldness, rate of hair loss and expectation regarding width of forehead. He might also use a special instrument to measure the strength of your hair follicles. Prof Wilson might also create computer generated images of your face to plan the most appropriate design, site and shape of your new hair line. Prof Wilson takes particular care in providing you with the most inconspicuous scars possible. For that purpose, he uses a special surgical technique he innovate. Furthermore, he plans the surgery to achieve an even distribution of hair throughout the hair line, with normal orientation of hair. Prof Wilson will also discuss with you anticipated future hair loss and forehead aesthetics in relation to the size of your face. The Registered Nurse will explain all the medical treatments and any PRP sessions you might need after the surgery.

Best Cosmetic Aesthetic Doctor in Egypt

What is the cost of Forehead Narrowing Surgery?

Professor Wilson believes that affordable cost plastic surgery is the right of every individual. He will never allow financial restraints to prevent you getting rid of your elevated hair line. However, many factors affect the cost of treatment, including the site of hair loss, dimensions of the forehead, type of skin, and other factors. After the consultation, the patient coordinator will offer you an affordable price quote.

You can find a rough estimate of costs on this webpage.

Please click here for pictures of patients who had hairline advancement forehead narrowing surgery.