Breast Deformities Cosmetic Surgery Photos
Breast Deformity Cosmetic Surgery: Circum-areolar Incision:
This 24 year old woman had Tubular Potato breasts and a huge areola. Prof Wilson inserted textured high profile cohesive gel silicone implants of 400 ccs size placed under the muscle, to correct the deformity. Note the restoration of normal shape and size of breast.

Correction of Asymmetric Breasts: Augmentation of Left side:
This 22 year old woman had left sided breast atrophy and hypoplasia that was incompatible with the right side. Prof Wilson enlarged the left side by dual plane , gummy shaped 280 ccs silicone Breast Implant. He managed to achieve a near perfectly symmetric size.
Breast Deformities Cosmetic Surgery: DD Cup to B Cup:
The Huge Sagging Breasts in a 29 year old woman caused her embarrassment and neck pain. She requested a breast reduction and elevation to treat her sagging breasts and fill the empty upper pole. Prof Wilson performed a vertical scar breast lift and breast reduction to achieve a B cup. Note the pert round shape of the breast as evident on frontal and side views. There were no transverse scars in the breast and upper pole is round and full.

Congenital Breast Asymmetry and Ruptured Silicon Implant: Implant removal and Fat grafting
This 38 year old woman had congenital breast deformity with breast asymmetry. She had a surgery at another Clinic 10 years ago in which unequal implants were inserted in both breast in attempt to correct the asymmetry. However the outcome was inadequate and the implants ruptured. The patient was very unhappy, and sought the help of Dr Wilson. He operated on her breasts and removed the ruptured implants with their capsules. Then he reduced the size of the areola in the left breast. Finally Prof Wilson grafted fat in the right breast to match the shape and size of the left one. The patient was thrilled with the her new pert symmetric breasts.

Asymmetric Breast Correction: Reduction of Right side:
This 23 year old woman had right sided breast enlargement that was incompatible with the left side. Dr Wilson reduced and lifted the right side by vertical scar reduction, and adjusted the nipple position. Finally, the patient was thrilled with the perfectly symmetric appearance.
Congenital Breast Deformity Correction: Chest wall repair, Implant Insertion and Fat Grafting
This 27 year old woman had congenital neurofibromatosis with multiple problems in the chest wall, breast and spine. She had previous surgeries with 7 different surgeons and ended up with this breast deformity, breast asymmetry and chest wall problems. a previous breast reduction with another surgeon. Prof Wilson inserted 330 cc implants in both breasts and used a dermal and fat graft to restore the shape of the right breast. He also injected fat grafts to improve the projection of the right breast and restore symmetry. The patient was very happy with the outcome.

Accessory Bilateral Breasts under the Armpit:
This 29 year old woman had bilateral accessory breasts at the upper outer corner of the breasts and under the armpit. They made here terribly uncomfortable wearing sleeveless shirts. Previous attempts of Liposuction at another Clinic were unsuccessful. Professor Wilson performed a surgery to remove the accessory breasts through an invisible cut under the armpit. He used an ingenious method of nip and tuck to remove the extra skin. The patient was very happy with the outcome.
Breast Deformity Correction: Nipple and Areola Reconstruction and Fat Grafting
This 24 year old woman had a previous breast reduction with another surgeon. She ended up with loose sagging breasts and lost the nipple and areola in the right side. Prof Wilson injected fat grafts to improve the shape of the breasts and reconstructed the nipple and areola using skin from the left vulva. Note the more natural cosmetic appearance.

Breast Deformities Cosmetic Surgery: Thin paper like breasts
This 58-year old patient was unhappy with the thin leaf like shape of her breasts. Prof Wilson inserted expanders and supported the breast tissue. The patient was thrilled with her new full breasts.
Breast Deformity Cosmetic Surgery: Ptosed DD Cup to C Cup:
Prof Wilson operated on this 61 year old woman who desired a breast reduction and elevation to treat her sagging breasts and fill the empty upper pole. She also had asymmetry and enlarged breast tail. He performed a vertical scar breast lift and breast reduction to achieve a C cup. Note the pert round shape of the breast . There were no transverse scars in the breast and upper pole is round and full.

Breast Deformities Cosmetic Surgery: Tubular Sweet Potato breast Correction.
Prof Wilson treated the congenital anomaly of tubular breasts in the shape of a sweet potato in this 27 year old lady. She also had a huge areola. He performed corrective surgery and inserted textured high profile cohesive gel silicone implants. They were of 325 ccs size and placed under the muscle.
Breast Deformity Correction: Vertical Incision:
This 29 year old woman had sagging breasts and “kissing” nipples after massive weight loss. It was treated with surgery to correct raise the breast and adjust the position of the areola and nipple. No implants were used.

Breast Deformities Cosmetic Surgery: Circum-areolar Incision:
This 23 year old woman had deviated elongated breasts in the shape of a large potato and a huge areola. Dr Wilson corrected the deformity and inserted textured high profile cohesive gel silicone implants of 250 ccs size, which were placed under the muscle.
Breast Augmentation and deformity correction with filling of upper pole:
The empty upper pole and sagging breasts were treated by Prof Wilson in this 33 year old patient. Prof Wilson performed a vertical scar breast lift and breast augmentation with 330 ccs implants to achieve a C cup. Note the pert round shape of the breast as evident on frontal and side views. There were no transverse scars in the breast and upper pole is round and full. The areola has been reduced as well.

Breast Deformity Correction: Implant Replacement
This 32 year old woman had breast asymmetry from previously placed implants that had capsular contracture. Left breast was lower and narrower than right breast. It was treated with surgery to replace the implants, perform a breast lift and inject fat to restore symmetry and give the patient the size she wanted.
Correction of Asymmetric Potato Breasts: Fat Injection:
This 33 year old woman had right sided smaller breast together with tuberose (potato) appearance of both breasts. Fat injection in the right side (220 ccs) were used to correct the deformity and resume symmetry

Breast Reduction and deformity correction: DD Cup to C Cup with filling of upper pole:
This 26 year old patient desired a breast reduction and elevation to treat her sagging Melon Shaped breasts and fill the empty upper pole. Prof Wilson performed a Vertical scar breast lift and breast reduction to achieve a C cup. Note the pert round shape of the breast as evident on frontal and side views. There were no transverse scars in the breast and upper pole is round and full.
Breast Deformity Correction: Submammary Incision:
This 33 year old woman had left sided Poland syndrome which includes a hypoplastic breast and atrophic muscle. It was treated with surgery to correct the deformity and resume symmetry by insertion of textured high profile cohesive gel silicone implants of 200 ccs size placed under the gland. Note how the Grade 1 Ptosis of the breast improved.

Breast Deformity Correction: Synmastia, Lost Cleavage, Pendulous breast:
This 29 year old woman had 325 ccs silicon implants inserted under the gland and ended up with synmastia and pendulous deformed breasts. Dr. Wilson treated the synmastia and restored the natural cleavage, replacing the implants with 500 ccs textured high profile cohesive gel silicon ones according to the patient’s request. The implants were inserted under the muscle and the incision was made under the breast fold.