Professor Adel Wilson is a world renowned Plastic Surgeon, Educator, and Innovator. He was nominated by Who’s Who in Medicine as one of the most influential Plastic Surgeons in this century and repeatedly voted one of the best plastic surgeons in the world. His Innovations and Surgeries are taught worldwide. He pioneered affordable cost Plastic Surgery because Prof Wilson believes it is a right for every individual to look better.

(+2) 01221119853


Neck Lift and Neck Liposuction Photos

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Neck Lift and Eyelid surgery:

A 71 year old female with redundant neck skin, increased pre and subplatyzmal fat, obscure mandibular border, and platyzmal bands. Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, submandibular border, and neck angle.

Before Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, submandibular border, and neck angle.
Before Neck Lift
After Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, submandibular border, and neck angle.
After Neck Lift
Before Full neck lift and Vaser Liposuction and thread removal were performed to improve the submandibular border, and neck angle.
Before Full neck lift and Vaser Liposuction and thread removal.
After Full neck lift and Vaser Liposuction and thread removal were performed to improve the submandibular border, and neck angle.
After Full neck lift and Vaser Liposuction and thread removal

Neck Lift Neck Liposuction: High Definition Photos:

Prof Wilson performed a Neck lift and Neck High definition Laser of the neck fat on a 52 year old female with redundant neck skin, and increased preplatyzmal fat. Note the marked improvement in the submandibular border, neck line, and neck angle.

Neck Laser Resurfacing:

A 58 year old female with wrinkled neck skin, and pigmentation. Dr Wilson performed Fractional Laser of the neck and injected Botox in the Platyzma. Note the smoothening out of the wrinkles and disappearance of pigmentation of the neck and better definition of the contour.

Before Fractional Laser of the neck. Note the smoothening out of the wrinkles and disappearance of pigmentation of the neck at Best Cosmetic surgery egypt
Before Neck Laser
After Fractional Laser of the neck. Note the smoothening out of the wrinkles and disappearance of pigmentation of the neck and better definition of the contour.
After Neck Laser
Before Vaser Liposuction of the neck fat. Note the marked improvement in the submandibular border, neck line, and neck angle.
Before Neck Vaser Liposuction
After Vaser Liposuction of the neck fat at Best Plastic Surgery egypt. Note the marked improvement in the submandibular border, neck line, and neck angle.
After Neck Vaser Liposuction

Neck Vaser Liposuction:

A 62 year old female with redundant neck skin, and increased preplatyzmal fat, had Vaser Liposuction of the neck fat. Note the marked improvement in the submandibular border, neck line, and neck angle.

Full Facelift and Neck Tightening:

A 56 year old female with redundant neck skin, increased pre and subplatyzmal fat, obscure mandibular border, jowl lines and deep nasolabial folds and platyzmal bands. Prof Wilson performed a Neck lift and there was a marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, jowl lines, nasolabial folds, platyzmal bands, submandibular border, and neck angle .

Before Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, jowl lines, nasolabial folds, platyzmal bands, submandibular border.
Before Neck lift and Facelift
After Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, jowl lines, nasolabial folds, platyzmal bands, submandibular border.
After Neck Lift and Facelift
Side view before Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, jowl lines, nasolabial folds, platyzmal bands, and neck angle .
Side view before Neck lift and Facelift
Side view after Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the subhyoid depression, jowl lines, nasolabial folds, platyzmal bands, and neck angle .
Side view after Neck lift and Facelift
Sagging Neck with Double jaw treated by Neck Lift and Neck HD Vaser Liposuction at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Lax sagging neck skin
Sagging Neck with Double jaw treated by Neck Lift and Neck HD Vaser Liposuction at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
After Neck Lift, Platyzmal tightening and Liposuction

Neck Rejuvenation with Platyzmal tightening and High Definition 4D Vaser Liposuction:

This former actress with attractive looks at the age of 74 was unhappy with the sagging neck skin, and increased pre- and subplatyzmal fat. Prof Wilson performed platyzmal tightening, Neck lift and simultaneous High Definition 4D Vaser Liposuction. The patient was thrilled with the outcome.

Turkey Gobbler Neck Treatment:

A 55 year old archaeologist with marked sagging neck skin, and increased pre- and subplatyzmal fat. Dr Wilson performed a Neck lift and turkey-gobbler appearance disappeared.

Before Neck lift was performed and turkey-gobbler appearance disappeared
Before Neck Lift
After Neck lift was performed and turkey-gobbler appearance disappeared
After Neck lift and turkey-gobbler appearance disappeared
Before Neck lift was performed with surgery and concommitant High Definition 4D Vaser Liposuction at Best Cosmetic Surgery
Before Neck HD 4D Vaser Liposuction
After Neck lift was performed with surgery and concommitant High Definition 4D Vaser Liposuction at Best Plastic Surgery
After Neck HD 4D Vaser Liposuction

Neck Lift and High Definition 4D Vaser Liposuction:

A 53 year old woman with sagging neck skin, and increased pre- and subplatyzmal fat. Neck lift was performed with surgery and concommitant High Definition 4D Vaser and neck contour was restored.

Jawline High Definition Liposuction and Neck Tightening

This 39 year old actress was unhappy with the mild laxity of her jawline and poor definition of her mandible. Prof Wilson tightened the Jawline using high Definition Liposuction and defined her mandibular border using Fractional Laser. She ended up with a more youthful natural appearance.

Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt for jawline Definition and Neck Tightening and Mandibular aesthetics
Lax Jawline
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt for jawline Definition and Neck Tightening and Mandibular aesthetics
After Mandibular Definition and Jawline Tightening
Neck bands and sagging skin treated by Neck Band Plication and Neck Lift with Neck Liposuction at Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt
Lax neck skin and neck bands
Neck bands and sagging skin treated by Neck Band Plication and Neck Lift with Neck Liposuction at Best Aesthetic in Egypt
Taught neck skin after the surgery
Neck bands and sagging skin treated by Neck Band Plication and Neck Lift with Neck Liposuction at Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
Side view showing neck laxity and bands
Neck bands and sagging skin treated by Neck Band Plication and Neck Lift with Neck Liposuction at Best Plastic Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
Pulled neck after the surgery

Neck Bands treatment and Neck Rejuvenation

This 72-year old gentleman was unhappy with his redundant neck skin and neck bands, which made him appear older than his true age. Prof Wilson performed a full neck lift and neck band plication through an invisible cut behind the ear. He also did some High Definition Vaser Liposuction for the fat under the muscle. Note the marked improvement in the neck line, and jaw line.

Neck High Definition Liposuction and Jowl Treatment, with simultaneous Neck Band Removal

This 53 year old lady felt that her lax neck skin, jowls and neck bands did not do her age justice. Prof Wilson tightened the neck using high Definition Liposuction and defined her neck-chin angle border using a neck lift. She ended up with a more youthful natural appearance.

Neck Lift and Jowls and Neck Bands treated at Best Plastic Surgery Neck Lift
Lax neck skin and Jowls
Neck Lift and Jowls and Neck Bands treated at Best Cosmetic Surgery Neck Lift
Tighter Neck with removed bands and Jowls
Neck Bands For Neck Lift and Neck Liposuction at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Neck Bands
Neck Bands For Neck Lift and Neck Liposuction at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Invisible scars after Neck Lift
Neck Bands For Neck Lift and Neck Liposuction at Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt
Lax Neck Skin
Neck Bands For Neck Lift and Neck Liposuction at Best Surgery Egypt
Younger Neck and tight skin

Neck Bands Eradication

This 52-year old lady was self-conscious about her lax neck skin and bands which made her look older than her true age. Prof Wilson performed a full neck lift and neck band suturing through  invisible cuts under the chin and  behind the ear. He also did some High Definition Smart Liposuction for the fat under the skin. Note the marked improvement in the neck line, and jaw line.

Face and Neck Lift with concomitant Jowl Line Definition

This 49 year old lady had a sagging neck with prominent jowls, and platyzmal bands, which made her look older than her true age.  Prof Wilson performed a full face and neck lift with cuts in front of and behind the ear, together with simultaneous Liposuction of the Jawline. He tightened the platyzma muscle to rid her of the neck bands and she ended up with a more youthful natural appearance.

Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt for Neck Lift and Jowl removal and Facelift for Neck Bands
Lax neck skin with bands
Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt for Neck Lift and Jowl removal and Facelift for Neck Bands
Tighter Neck skin with absent Platyzmal bands
Best Aesthetic Surgery in Egypt for Neck Lift and Jowl removal and Facelift for Neck Bands
Visible Jowls and Neck fat
Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt for Neck Liposuction and Jowl removal and Facelift for Neck Bands
Tight neck with beautiful angles
Before neck lift and High definition Laser Liposuction of the neck fat at Best Cosmetic Surgery egypt
Before Neck Lift and High definition Laser Liposuction of the neck fat.
After neck lift and High definition Laser Liposuction of the neck fat at Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt
After Neck Lift and High definition Laser Liposuction of the neck fat.

Neck High Definition Vaser Liposuction and Lift:

A 67 year old female with redundant neck skin, loss of jaw contouring and increased preplatyzmal fat. She had a neck lift and High definition Laser of the neck fat. Note the marked improvement in the submandibular border, neck line, and jaw line.

Neck Lift and Platyzma Tightening with concomitant Jawline High Definition Liposuction

This 56 year old lady had a sagging neck with laxity of her jawline and prominent jowls, which made her look older than her true age.  Prof Wilson performed a full neck lift with cuts under the chin and behind the ear, together with simultaneous Liposuction of the Jawline. He tightened the platyzma muscle and the patient was happy with her more youthful natural appearance.

Neck Lift and Platyzmal tightening and Jawline Definition for Sagging Neck and visible jowls at Best Plastic Surgery
Sagging neck and visible jowls
Neck Lift and Platyzmal tightening and Jawline Definition for Sagging Neck and visible jowls at Best Cosmetic Surgery
Tight neck and defined Jawline
Platyzmal bands and Lax Neck for Neck Lift Liposuction and Platyzmal Plication at Best Plastic Surgery
Platyzmal Band and Lax Neck
Platyzmal bands and Lax Neck for Neck Lift Liposuction and Platyzmal Plication at Best Cosmetic Surgery
Tight Smooth Neck

Neck Surgery and Platyzmal band Plication:

This 62 year old teacher was unhappy with her platyzmal bands, with redundant neck skin, and loss of jaw contouring. Prof Wilson used a small cut under the chin to plicate the platyzma and eradicate the bands. He also pulled the excess neck skin and treated the jowls. The patient had a chin implant inserted simultaneously in the same surgery.  Note the marked improvement in the platyzmal bands, neck line, and jaw line.

Jowls and Neck bands

This 73 year old woman had marked jowls and neck bands, with which she was unhappy. Furthermore, she had sagging neck skin, and increased pre- and subplatyzmal fat. Prof Wilson performed a full neck lift, neck smart liposuction, jowl removal and band plication, all in one procedure.  The patient was thrilled with her new natural harmonious look.

Jowls and Neck Bands and sagging neck skin for Neck Lift at Best Plastic Surgery
Prominent Jowls and Neck Bands and sagging neck skin
Jowls and Neck Bands and sagging neck skin for Neck Lift at Best Cosmetic Surgery
Jowl removal and Neck Lift
Jowls and Neck Bands and sagging neck skin for Neck Lift at Best Aesthetic Surgery
Side view showing Lax Neck skin and Bands
Jowls and Neck Bands and sagging neck skin for Neck Lift at Best Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
After Jawline and Neck Lift
Best Plastic Surgery Egypt for Neck Lift and Neck Bands and Jowls to create new Jawline
Lax neck skin and Visible Neck Bands
Best Plastic Cosmetic Surgery Egypt for Neck Lift and Neck Bands and Jowls to create new Jawline
After the surgery with Excellent Neck Contour
Best Aesthetic Surgery Egypt for Neck Lift and Neck Bands and Jowls to create new Jawline
Prominent Jowls and Bands
Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt for Neck Lift and Neck Bands and Jowls to create new Jawline
Restored Neck contour and shape

Neck Bands and Redundant Neck Skin:

A 59 year old woman with marked sagging of the neck skin, and prominent neck bands. Prof Wilson performed a full neck lift and muscle plication surgery on her neck, through invisible cuts behind the ear and under the chin. He removed very little skin, and instead attached the neck structures to the midline, creating a beautiful new contour. A more aesthetic youthful appearance was obtained, with invisible scars.

Full Neck Surgery:

A 62 year old man with marked sagging neck skin, and increased pre- and subplatyzmal fat. There were prominent wrinkles and platyzmal bands. Prof Wilson performed a neck lift and all wrinkles and platyzmal bands disappeared.

Before Neck lift was performed and all wrinkles and platyzmal bands disappeared
Before Neck lift was performed.
After Neck lift was performed and all wrinkles and platyzmal bands disappeared
After Neck lift was performed and all wrinkles and platyzmal bands disappeared
Side view before Neck lift was performed and all wrinkles and platyzmal bands disappeared
Side view before Neck lift
Side view after Neck lift was performed and all wrinkles and platyzmal bands disappeared
Side view after Neck lift was performed and all wrinkles and platyzmal bands disappeared
Before Revision of the neck lift and restoration of the cervicomental angle with removal of the platyzmal bands
Before Revision Neck Lift
Side View before Revision of the neck lift and restoration of the cervicomental angle with removal of the platyzmal bands
Side View before Revision Neck Lift
After Revision of the neck lift and restoration of the cervicomental angle with removal of the platyzmal bands at Nile Cosmetic Center
After Revision of the neck lift and restoration of the cervicomental angle with removal of the platyzmal bands

Revision Neck Surgery:

A 44 year old woman with marked scarring and sagging neck skin, from a previous botched surgery. Revision of the neck lift and restoration of the cervicomental angle with removal of the platyzmal bands was achieved. A more cosmetic youthful appearance was obtained.

Neck Laser and Lift:

A 32 year old female with sagging neck skin, and increased pre- and subplatyzmal fat. Neck lift was performed and laser excision of the extra fat.

Before Neck lift was performed and laser excision of the extra fat at best Plastic Surgery egypt
Before Neck Lift and Laser Fat Removal
After Neck lift was performed and laser excision of the extra fat at Best cosmetic Surgery Egypt
After Neck lift and laser excision of the extra fat.
Jowls and Jawline Definition by High Definition Smart Vaser Neck Liposuction at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Jowls and sagging Neck
Jowls and Jawline Definition by High Definition Smart Vaser Neck Liposuction at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Jawline Defition

Simultaneous Jowl treatment and jawline Definition:

A 46 year old female felt she looked older than her true age due to the jowls and poor jawline definition. Prof Wilson performed a mini-neck lift o remove the jowls. He also used High Definition Vaser Liposuction to restore her jawline, giving her a more youthful appearance.

Jawline Definition and Neck Lift:

This 72 year old male was unhappy with his sagging neck that gave him a turkey gobbler appearance. Prof Wilson tightened the neck and restored the neck contour through an invisible cut behind the ear. He was very happy with his new appearance.

Lax Neck Skin and Turkey Gobbler appearance for Neck Lift at Best Plastic Surgery
Lax Neck with Turkey Gobbler shape
Lax Neck Skin and Turkey Gobbler appearance for Neck Lift at Best Cosmetic Surgery
Restored Neck shape and Contour
Before Neck lift was performed simultaneously with face lift, and there is marked improvement in the submandibular border, and neck angle.
Before Neck lift and Facelift
After Neck lift was performed simultaneously with face lift at Best Plastic Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
After Neck lift and lower Facelift: marked improvement in the submandibular border, and neck angle.

Simultaneous Lower Facelift and Full Neck lift :

A 47 year old female with redundant neck skin, obscure mandibular border, and platyzmal bands. Neck lift was performed simultaneously with lower facelift, resulting in marked improvement of the submandibular border, and neck angle.

Neck Lift and Lip fillers:

A 64 year old female with redundant neck skin, increased subplatyzmal fat, and platyzmal bands. Neck lift was performed and there is improvement in the subhyoid depression, jaw outline, and neck angle. Concomitant fillers in nasolabial region and upper lip were administered.

Before Neck lift at Nile Cosmetic Center and there is improvement in the subhyoid depression, jaw outline, and neck angle
Before Neck Lift
After Neck lift was performed and there is improvement in the subhyoid depression, jaw outline, and neck angle
After Neck Lift
Before Localized fat deposits on the neck and jaw-line of a 29-year old female. Sessions ofCosmetic lipolysis improved the situation.
Before Neck Lipolysis
After Localized fat deposits on the neck and jaw-line of a 29-year old female. Sessions of Cosmetic lipolysis improved the situation.
After Neck Lipolysis

Neck Lipolysis.

Localized fat deposits on the neck and jaw-line of a 29-year old female. Sessions of lipolysis improved the situation.

Neck Lift and Eyelid surgery:

A 66 year old female with redundant neck skin, increased preplatyzmal fat, obscure mandibular border, and platyzmal bands. Prof Wilson performed a Complete Neck lift leading to marked improvement in the submandibular border, and neck angle.

Before Full Cosmetic Neck Lift at the Nile Cosmetic Center
Before Neck lift
After Full Cosmetic Neck Lift at the Nile Cosmetic Center
After Neck Lift
before Laser Liposuction of the neck fat. Note the marked improvement in the double chin area.
Before Laser Liposuction
After Laser Liposuction of the neck fat. Note the marked improvement in the double chin area.
After Laser Liposuction of the Double neck

Neck Laser Liposuction:

A 26 year old female with redundant neck skin, and increased preplatyzmal fat sought the help of Dr Wilson. He performed Laser Liposuction of the neck fat. Note the marked improvement in the double chin area.

Smart High Definition Vaser Liposuction of the Neck:

This 55 year old woman desired neck rejuvenation to remove the drooping skin and platyzmal bands. Dr. Wilson performed Neck laser liposuction, and totally cured that saggy skin. Note the invisible scar and rejuvenated appearance.

before Neck laser liposuction, and totally cured that saggy skin. Note the invisible scar and rejuvenated appearance.
Before Neck Laser Liposuction
After Neck laser liposuction at the Nile Cosmetic Center, and totally cured that saggy skin. Note the invisible scar and rejuvenated appearance.
After Neck Laser Liposuction
Neck lift was performed and there is marked improvement in the submandibular border, and neck angle at Best Plastic Surgery egypt
Neck lift: improvement in the submandibular border, and neck angle.

Neck Liposuction :

A 51 year old female with redundant neck skin, obscure mandibular border, and platyzmal bands. Prof Wilson performed Vaser High Definition Liposuction of the Neck and fixed the muscle to the Hyoid bone. There was marked improvement in the shape of the submandibular border, and neck angle.

Neck Lift

A 62 year old teacher with prominent platyzmal bands, redundant neck skin, and sagging preplatyzmal fat. He felt self conscious and looked much older due to the neck condition. Prof Wilson performed a Neck lift leading to a much harmonious appearance and improved chin contour.

Neck Lift and Platyzmal bands Cosmetic Surgery removal
Neck Lift
Before neck lift and High definition Laser Liposuction of the neck fat at the Best Plastic surgery Egypt
Before Neck Lift and High Definition Liposuction
After neck lift and High definition Laser Liposuction of the neck fat at the Nile Cosmetic center.
After Neck Lift and High Definition Liposuction

Neck Lift and Vaser Liposuction and Thread removal:

A 46 year old female with redundant neck skin, granulomas from previous Neck Threads inserted at another clinic. Prof Wilson performed a Full neck lift and Vaser Liposuction and thread removal to improve the submandibular border, and neck angle.

Neck Lift and HD Liposuction in a 63 year old lady

The lax neck skin and sagging neck fat made this lady unhappy with her looks. She felt older and self-conscious. Prof Wilson performed a neck lift and HD Liposuction on her neck, and restored the youthful shape of the neck.

Lax Neck Skin and Neck Fat treated by Neck High Definition Liposuction at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Lax neck skin and fat
Lax Neck Skin and Neck Fat treated by Neck High Definition Liposuction at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Tight Neck Skin
Redundant Neck Skin and Neck Fat treated by High Definition Vaser Liposuction and Neck Lift at Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt
Fat pads and Lax Neck Skin
Redundant Neck Skin and Neck Fat treated by High Definition Vaser Liposuction and Neck Lift at Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
After Neck Lift and High Definition Vaser Liposuction

Neck Lift and High Definition Vaser Liposuction:

A 59 year old female was unhappy with the neck fat pads and redundant neck skin, and sought the help of Dr Wilson. He made a small cut just under the chin, and performed a full neck lift with simultaneous Vaser High Definition Liposuction of the fat pads. He also plicated the neck muscle to improve the submandibular border, and neck angle, leading to an outcome with which the patient was very happy.

Redundant Neck Skin and Neck Fat treated by High Definition Vaser Liposuction and Neck Lift at Best Plastic Surgery in Egypt
Fat pads and Lax Neck Skin
Redundant Neck Skin and Neck Fat treated by High Definition Vaser Liposuction and Neck Lift at Best Cosmetic Surgery in Egypt
After Neck Lift and High Definition Vaser Liposuction

Neck Lift and High Definition Vaser Liposuction:

A 59 year old female was unhappy with the neck fat pads and redundant neck skin, and sought the help of Dr Wilson. He made a small cut just under the chin, and performed a full neck lift with simultaneous Vaser High Definition Liposuction of the fat pads. He also plicated the neck muscle to improve the submandibular border, and neck angle, leading to an outcome with which the patient was very happy.

Neck Lift and Neck Liposuction Photos showing restored Cervicomental angle

This 39 year old lady was very unhappy with her plump neck and loss of neck contour. Dr Wilson performed a High Definition Smart Vaser Liposuction on the neck and removed the extra fat and neck skin through a small cut under the chin. Furthermore, he fixed the neck to the bone in order to create a new cervico-mental angle. The patient was thrilled with her new neck.

Plump Neck fat and turkey neck for Neck Liposuction and Neck Lift and Platyzmal tightening at Best Plastic Surgery Egypt
Plump neck with extra fat
Plump Neck fat and turkey neck for Neck Liposuction and Neck Lift and Platyzmal tightening at Best Cosmetic Surgery Egypt
Restored Neck shape and contour